Psychotherapy for children, young people and parents
ACE Alert
Attachment Aware
Neurodiverse Experienced
Suicide Sensitive
Transgenerationally Attuned
The Reach are an East Midlands team of dedicated and richly experienced psychotherapists working across primary and secondary schools, primarily serving areas of social deprivation, since 2014. Reach psychotherapists have experience of supporting clients across the entire education sector, from nursery children through to doctoral level students. In addition, Reach psychotherapists have experience of delivering psychotherapy in the voluntary/charity sector working with forensic clients, and those with experience of domestic violence, substance misuse, enduring mental health issues and those communicating suicide states. The Reach have more recently expanded to work with emergency services and arts organisations in an effort to disperse mental health provision through services and settings not typically associated with its delivery, but who encounter those with mental health problems on a regular basis. We are always looking to expand our partnerships with community groups.